It is the rather
complex model, in which is applied the same principle of folding, as in the model
"Card Index".
Use a rectangular of paper by a
format A4 (21 by 29,7cm) or multiple to it.
Also, it is possible to use "Letter" format of a paper (8,5 by 11 inches).
1 Fold
and unfold the paper in half.
2 Valley fold and unfold the top and bottom edges to meet
middle fold-line.
3 Divide the paper into 8 equal sections by valley folding.
4 Divide the paper into 16 equal sections by valley folding.
5 Turn the paper over. Divide the paper into 32 equal
sections by valley folding.
6 Valley fold the paper from top to bottom.
7 Valley fold the right-hand edge to the left along existing
8 Valley fold the top right-hand corner over to meet the
adjacent edge. Press it flat and unfold it.
9 Open out the right-hand flap.
10 Valley fold the right-hand edge to the left along existing
fold-line as shown.
11 Valley fold the top right-hand corner over to meet the
adjacent fold-line. Press it flat and unfold it.
12 Open out the right-hand flap. Repeat steps 7-11 for each
13 Open model and turn the paper over.
14 Valley fold the top and bottom edges to meet middle
Repeat steps 7-11 for the top and bottom of the each section.
16 Valley fold and unfold the bottom edge of the top flap.
Valley fold the top edge of the bottom flap.
17 Valley fold the bottom edge of the top flap. Valley fold
and unfold the top edge of the bottom flap.
18 Open out the top and bottom flaps, that they was
perpendicularly to a surface of the model.
19 Consistently pressing on the pairs of the corners, form
the pleats.
20 Stretch the model in the direction shown by the arrows.
Thus the central line should itself be curved by "mountain".
21 Now in every point from above drown the diagonal. Compress
all the model.
22 Stretch the ends and reduce them together. Then impose one
edge on another so that the central squares have blocked each other. Then combine corners
of the blocked layers, putting one in another. It is rather difficult operation, and if
you have difficulties, then simply glue together both edges.
23 Mountain fold the top and bottom edges of
the model, thereby making the lock of the model.
24 The basis for a lamp is ready! However, you can see in it
a graceful vase also!
Use four identical modules, the
sheet by a format in half is necessary for less each of which, than sheet from which the
basis of a lamp was going. For example, if the basis developed from A4 (21 by 29,7cm), for
the module of the lamp shade it is necessary to take A5 ( half A4). Or, if the basis
developed from "Letter" format of a paper (8,5 by 11 inches), for the module of
the lamp shade it is necessary to take half "Letter" format.
Divide the paper square into eight equal sections by valley folding. Press the folds flat
and unfold them.
2 Turn the paper over. Fold and unfold in half each section.
3 Turn the paper over. At first make fold-marks on left-hand
edge, by dividing on 4 equal sections. Then valley fold the top edge to meet the middle
4 Valley fold and unfold the bottom edge as shown.
5 Valley fold the bottom edge to meet the fold-line made in
step 4.
6 Valley fold the right-hand edge to the left along existing
7 Valley fold the top right-hand corner over to meet the
adjacent edge. Press it flat and unfold it. Open out the right-hand flap. Repeat steps 6-7
for each section.
8 Consistently pressing on the corners, form pleats.
9 One modules for the shade of lamp!
10,11 Connect among themselves four modules, serially
imposing on two links and filling a corner of one module in another. Then in the same way
connect side modules.
12 Mountain fold the edge of the model.
13 Inside view. On each of internal edges make the small
lock, folding a corner. Turn the model over.
14 Shade of Lamp is ready!
Take other look by turning it; you
receive an interesting vase for a flower composition. Or you can see in this form a hat
for a carnival? |