Use a square of paper.
1 Valley fold the square in half on diagonal. Press it flat
and unfold it. Then repeat it making other diagonal. After that, turn the paper over.
2 Valley fold the square in half from the side to opposite
side. Press it flat and unfold it. Repeat it for other pair of sides.
3 Press the middle of the fold-lines, until the sides pop up.
Bring the sides together and down towards you. Press the top down neatly into a square,
thereby completing a square base.
4 Valley fold the model in half and unfold it.
5 Open out the left-hand flap of paper and squash it into a
6 Valley fold the front flap's lower sloping edges over, so
they lie along the middle fold-line. Press the flat and unfold them.
7 Open out the flap's horizontal edge. And inside reverse
fold the right- and left hand points as shown.
8 Valley fold the bottom corners to meet the marked places.
9 Mountain fold the bottom points inside the model.
10 This should be the result.
11 Turn the model over. Repeat steps 5-9.
12 By pressing on the lateral sides give to the bell the
round form. Note, the bell's core open slightly. |

13 Slightly by turning out edges of petals give them a
natural kind.
The bell is ready.
You can use strips of a green paper of the any size for folding the stem and the
1 Valley fold the paper from bottom to top.
2 Fold over and over
3 Give a stem and pedicel the bent form.
1 Paste and glue pedicels in a stem.
2 Glue each pedicel in a crease of a flower.
3 The bells are ready!
The bouquet from such bells will be a good decoration and gift. |