a square of paper.
This model was by an ancestor of the whole family of boxes.
1 Valley fold the opposite sides and edges together in turn
to mark the fold-lines, and open them up.
2 Turn the paper over. Valley fold and unfold the opposite
sides to meet the middle.
3 Make the creases as shown.
4 Turn the paper over and make the creases as shown.
5 The result.
6 Make creases as shown.
7 Mountain fold the sides behind.
8 Fold and unfold each corner, then open out the sheet.
9 Turn the paper over and make the creases as shown.
10 Be convinced, that the preliminary creases are made
11 Mountain fold the top of the paper behind.
12 Following some steps will be shown only for one side.
13 Undertake by the large and average fingers of hands places
marked by points, and rotary movement result them in a point of connection of arrows. Thus
the top is opened in a square.
14 Continuing to hold model by the large and average fingers, by an
index finger of one of hands press middle square and, rotating brushes towards slightly
each other, close the top square.
15 Move together the lateral sides towards each other.
16 Check up the result.
17 Repeat steps 11-16 for other three sides.
18 Turn the model over and valley fold the edges as shown.
19 Mountain fold the right and left edges.
20 Mountain fold the top and bottom edges.
21 Press the model in the specified places, give box the
volumetric form.
Here is the completed box "Bonsai"! |