Use a square of paper.
1 Valley fold the square of paper in half from top to bottom, thereby making a triangle.
2 Valley fold it in half from right to left.
3 Lift the top half up along the middle fold-line. Open out the paper and squash it down neatly into a square.
4 This should be the result. Turn the paper over.
5 Repeat the actions again: lift the top half up along the middle fold-line, then open out the paper and squash it down neatly into a square.
6 Here is the completed square base.
7 Valley fold the upper sloping edge over, so it lies along the vertical middle line. Unfold it. Then open out the right-hand flap and squash it down neatly.
8 Repeat the same actions with the remained flaps.
9 The result.
10 Valley fold the upper sloping edges over, so they lie along the vertical middle line. Repeat behind.

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11 Valley fold the lower sloping edges over, so they lie along the vertical middle line. Repeat behind.

12 Once again, valley fold the lower sloping edges over, so they lie along the vertical middle line. Repeat behind.

13 Valley fold the right-hand flap over to the left, as though turning the page of a book. Repeat behind. Then repeat the steps 10-12.

14 Valley fold the corner up as far as it will go.

15 This should be the result. Repeat the same actions with the remained flaps.

16 Pay attention, that the double flaps are separated by the corners. Blow up the model and in the same time hold the double flaps, as far as possible not giving them to open.

17 Here is the completed cucumber!

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