a square of paper.
FLOWER with short petals.
1 Valley fold the opposite corners together in turn to mark
the diagonal fold-lines, and open them up.
2 Turn the model over. Valley fold the opposite sides and
edges together and open them up.
3 Move together lateral corners, simultaneously approaching
the top corner to bottom. It is one more way of folding of the basic flower form.
4 Valley fold the front flap's lower sloping edges over, so
they lie along the middle fold-line. Valley fold the top point down as shown. Press them
flat and unfold them. Repeat it behind.
5 Insert the bottom corner of the top layer inside the model
to meet the crossing of the top horizontal fold-line with the vertical fold-line. Repeat
it for other three flaps.
6 Inside reverse fold the right-hand and left-hand points as
shown. Repeat behind.
7 The result.
8 Valley fold the top flap up. Repeat behind.
9 Valley fold the left-hand flap over to the right, as though
turning the page of a book. Repeat behind.
10 Valley fold the top flap up. Repeat behind.
11 Hold the opposite two marked points and bring them
downwards in the direction shown by the arrows. This action should be done for each pair
of corners some times. Thus the flower will be opened slowly. |

For the Lily, all the steps are remained the same with the exception of the step 5; in the
step 5, don't insert the corners into the model, so the Lily's petals will be remained
Changing the size and color of paper, you can create the large variety of flowers.
Leaf folds from the 1/4 square used for folding of a flower.
1 Valley fold a sheet on diagonals.
2 Valley fold the lateral corners to the central line.
3 Mountain fold the bottom corners to the central line.
4 Valley fold the opposite corners to the middle as shown.
5 The result.
6 The leaf is ready.
The stalk is going from the long strip of the green paper.
1 Valley fold the paper in half.
2 Turn and give the stalk the bent form.
3 Glue the leaves to the stalk and insert it into the hole in
the bottom of the flower. |